Elite Warrior

Archive for January 2010

5 points to remember while following feeds

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I used to blog , not a lot, but I did in some interval. Later, I started following other people’s blog via RSS. I continued adding feeds to my RSS reader and I grew a lot during these 6-7 month. It took me a good amount of deliberate  effort to correct my RSS reading habit so that I am not on RSS reader 6-7 hours per day

1. RSS is not email. You don’t need to read all of them one by one. You can read the heading only read the content if you find the heading Interesting.

2. Manage Site those publish Large number of content. Sites like Psychology Today or ScienceBlogs  post large number of post due number of bloggers and blogs on them. You can manage them by just following the post of your favourite blogger and skipping other.

3.Manage Large tech-blogs. Tech-blogs like TechCrunch, CrunchGear , lifehacker or tech-news size like cnet, zdnet . you can follow the feed by tag. For example I follow hackers tag on good gear guide . You can do the same on non-tech also.

4.Use Star or favourite option. This is to bookmark your favourite post and yes share too if you use Greader or newsgator.

5.Use Read it later to read interesting topic later. It is on cloud .So you can read them from any location using addon on your favourite browser or other browsers.


Here is post that tells you how to use facebook without visiting facebook just to check content updates.

Written by elitewarrior

January 31, 2010 at 3:27 am